湾 • 伙伴
Bay Partners is a Company Member interaction and development program initiated by Shenzhen Bay Club to introduce the resources of Company Members and strengthen their communication. Bay Partner has gathered Company Members from a diverse range of industries, including health care, intelligent technology, life aesthetics and catering By sharing their industry expertise, Company Members have improved their reputation and influence through the Bay Partners platform and created countless possibilities for cooperation and value creation.
湾·伙伴是由深湾会发起的独有的会员企业互动发展项目凝聚会员企业之间的资 源交汇与联动。湾·伙伴已经汇集医疗健康 、智能科技 、生活美学 、精致美馔等不同领域的众 多会员企业加入。在会员们各自领域产业的牵引下于湾·伙伴这一平台上增强企 业的圈层知名度和影响力更是激发企业合作的无限可能和价值创造。